Application Industries

Application Industries

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The control of the process and the quality assurance are the keys in the oil industry to achieve the highest standards worldwide and keep all customers permanently satisfied and the business running as usual. Despite of the oil prices fluctuation, as any commodity, the hydrocarbons is a group of important final products or raw materials in the modern world and may be is the most influential in the stock market over the planet. Among the most important applications in oil and gas you will find:


1. Gas Chromatography (FID/ECD/TCD/HID) to Control Process and Quality Control as well. The most popular method to evaluate the purity of separated gases in a mixture requires send the sample through a column in a carrier gas stream. Typical gases split into Carrier Gases such as


  • Hydrogen
  • Helium
  • Flammable Gases
  • Synthetic air
  • Gases Zero


2. Mass Spectrometry. According to the IUPAC correspond to the study of matter through the formation of gas-phase ions that are detected and characterized by their mass and charge


  • Argon


3. Mass Spectrometry. According to the IUPAC correspond to the study of matter through the formation of gas-phase ions that are detected and characterized by their mass and charge


  • Nitrogen
  • Liquid HC blends


4. Safety sensors calibration: Many safety gas detectors are required to prevent and control fire and dangerous gas leakage. The periodical calibration is the successfully and safest way to keep on correct working of these equipment. Span for the top value to be calibrated or Zero to give the normal floor to the sensor can be prepared in the convenient refillable or the highly portable disposable cylinders depending the location and nature of the sensors.


  • Flammable Gases
  • Reactive Gases
  • Zero Air
  • Nitrogen


5. Environmental Emissions Control. The factories and industries in general need to achieve environmental standards according to international regulations. Daily check of some parameters is required to control the process under those regulations. The equipment need constant calibration and sometime online gas patterns as well.


  • Reactive Gases
  • Zero Air

Research & Laboratory Development

1. Atomic Absorption (AA) Spectrometry. The detection of metals dissolved in liquids has a top player in the atomic absorption spectrometers, when in a presence of a controlled flame shows a wavelength unique for each substance. The fuel Gas is this case usually is the Acetylene AA grade and the combustant or oxidant must be the Synthetic Air or Nitrous Oxide depending of the material to be analyzed.

  • Acetylene AA
  • Synthetic Air
  • Synthetic Air


2. Gas Chromatography (FID/ECD/TCD/HID) to Control Process and Quality Control as well. The most popular method to evaluate the purity of separated gases in a mixture requires send the sample through a column in a carrier gas stream. Typical gases split into Carrier Gases such as

  • Hydrogen
  • Helium
  • Flammable Gases


3. Mass Spectrometry. According to the IUPAC correspond to the study of matter through the formation of gas-phase ions that are detected and characterized by their mass and charge.

  • Argon


4. Liquid Chromatography. Is the analytical technique that is useful for separating ions or molecules dissolving a liquid sample in a solvent.

  • Nitrogen
  • Liquid HC blends


5. Safety sensors calibration: Many safety gas detectors are required to prevent and control fire and dangerous gas leakage. The periodical calibration is the successfully and safest way to keep on correct working of these equipment. Span for the top value to be calibrated or Zero to give the normal floor to the sensor can be prepared in the convenient refillable or the highly portable disposable cylinders depending the location and nature of the sensors.

  • Flammable Gases
  • Reactive Gases
  • Zero Air
  • Nitrogen

Enviromental Control

The environmental standards today need to achieve the safest value for the most pollutant gases to the air and help to evaluate or calibrate the equipment to measure the emissions gases from industry and the exhaust of millions of internal combustion vehicles on road today:

1. Emissions Control Equipment Calibration. According to the highest standards in the environmental control (EPA Protocol for example), different kind of mixtures must be prepared to control the most common pollutants of the air, including

  • Flammable
  • Reactive
  • Toxic Gases mixtures


2. Ultra Pure Zero Calibration: Sad but true, the most clean air can be prepared only mixing Cryogenic Nitrogen and the 5.5N Oxygen and it is called Zero Air because its impurities, specially the THC are very close to zero and some below 1 ppmv. From small cylinders to Bulk quantities of Zero Air could be supplied.



3. Mass Spect3. Safety sensors calibration: Many safety gas detectors are required to prevent and control fire and dangerous gas leakage. The periodical calibration is the successfully and safest way to keep on correct working of these equipment. Span type for the top value to be calibrated or Zero to give the regular floor o less value for the sensor can be prepared in the convenient refillable or the highly portable disposable cylinders depending the location and nature of the sensors.


1. Turbine, Switchgear and Interrupters Maintenance: Regular Maintenance of the generation and distribution of energy equipment is the key of a successfully managemen in the Electrical field. SF6 and Calibration Mixtures are the starring stars in those maintenances.

  • Sulfur Hexafluoride
  • Inert Gas Mixtures
  • Reactive Gas Mixtures
  • Flammable Gas Mixtures
  • Oxidant Gas Mixtures


2. Gas Chromatography (FID/ECD/TCD/HID) to Control Process and Quality Control as well. The most popular method to evaluate the purity of separated gases in a mixture is also required to control the quality of fuel gas to the turbines. Typical gases split into Carrier Gases such as Hydrogen and Helium and LNG standards

  • Hydrogen
  • Helium
  • Flammable Gases


3. Liquid Chromatography. Is the analytical technique that is useful for separating ions or molecules dissolving a liquid sample in a solvent. Helps a lot in the quality control of fluids in the generation of energy and specially case of fuel and water as well.

  • Nitrogen
  • Liquid HC blends


4. Safety sensors calibration: Many safety gas detectors are required to prevent and control fire and dangerous gas leakage. The periodical calibration is the successfully and safest way to keep on correct working of these equipment. Span for the top value to be calibrated or Zero to give the normal floor to the sensor can be prepared in the convenient refillable or the highly portable disposable cylinders depending the location and nature of the sensors.

  • Flammable Gases
  • Reactive Gases
  • Zero Air
  • Nitrogen